Enrolment Information

This fee schedule includes all activities such as excursions, sport and elective subject expenses for each relevant year. Only external courses studied such as those at TAFE will be an added expense to this schedule of fees.

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Schedule of Fees

Terms of Payment

The general method of payments is where the total Annual Fee is paid in three instalments, in the first, second and third terms of the year. Fees become due on the date of the invoice, which will be in the first week of each term (Terms 1, 2 and 3) and should be paid promptly.

Method of Payment

Payments may be made via BPay, cash, cheque and credit card (Mastercard or Visa).

Special Arrangement

Where payment is more convenient on alternative terms eg, fortnightly or monthly deductions, etc. these arrangements can be organised by speaking to the College Financial Officer who is happy to assist with this planning.

Sibling Discounts

Where two or more siblings from the same residential family attend the college or in the case of siblings attending other catholic schools within the Diocese of Broken Bay sibling discounts will apply. For more information on these terms and discounts please contact the College Financial Officer on (02) 4324 4022.

Financial Hardship

The college does offer a process to consider cases where genuine financial hardship impacts on parent/guardian ability to pay the full amount of fees. This is strictly confidential and dealt with by the Principal on a case by case basis.

Pursuit of Non-Payment of Fees

The college in conjunction with Catholic Schools Office will pursue the payment of outstanding fees where no arrangement is in place or notification from the parent/guardian. This may include the use of a debt collection agency and/or the legal system.


While the college is covered by accident insurance for students it does not insure the belongings of students.